The Slight Edge Book - A Formula for Success

This transformative course is inspired by the principles of the bestselling book. Discover how small daily choices can lead to remarkable results and set the foundation for your path to success.

Top 3 Problems Addressed:

  • Lack of Consistency

    Inconsistency in actions and habits stifles progress and undermines long-term success. This course offers insights and tactics for developing consistent habits that compound over time, resulting in major accomplishments.

  • Overwhelm and Procrastination

    Overwhelmed by goals and tasks, people frequently procrastinate and get paralysed. Learn how to divide projects into small chunks, resist being overwhelmed, and take persistent action towards your goals.

  • Negative Mindset & Self-Sabotage

    Limiting ideas and self-defeating practices can sabotage success. This course will teach you how to adopt a positive mindset, overcome self-doubt, and establish empowered habits that coincide with your goals.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Jeff Olsen on The Slight Edge

    3. The 7 Slight Edge Principles

    4. Learning Check

    1. Two Life Paths

    2. Living The Slight Edge

    3. Faces of The Slight Edge

    4. Invest in Yourself

    5. Q&A

    6. Learning Check

    1. Closing & Next Steps

    2. Help us improve your learning experience

HS-1 The Slight Edge - a formula to success

  • $50.00
  • 13 lessons
  • Duration: 2h 20m
  • Author: Rick Yvanovich
  • Published: December 28, 2022

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