Are you constructing a purposeful life?

Construct the structures within your Castle, shape your life in alignment with your purpose, and create a solid foundation for a fulfilling and meaningful existence.

To live a purposeful life, you need to address:

  • Lack of Clarity and Direction

    You might be struggling with a lack of clarity regarding your life purpose and the path to fulfilment. This course provides a framework for identifying and building the essential structures within your Castle, offering guidance and direction to shape your life in alignment with your purpose.

  • Incomplete or Neglected Areas

    You often focus on certain areas of your life while neglecting others, leading to imbalance and dissatisfaction. This course helps you identify and address the areas that require attention and development, fostering a holistic approach to personal growth.

  • Obstacles and Challenges

    Life presents many problems and challenges that can hinder progress and derail our efforts to fulfil our purpose. Through practical strategies and mindset shifts, this course empowers you to overcome obstacles, build resilience, and navigate challenges on your journey towards building a fulfilling life.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to the Castle

    2. Downloadables

    3. Tips to successfully "Build Your Castle"

    1. Chapter Introduction

    2. Tower of Purpose

    3. Tower of Life Force

    4. Tower of Mind

    5. Tower of Self

    6. The Dungeon

    7. The Great Hall

    8. The Stables

    9. The Treasury

    1. Chapter Introduction

    2. Tower of Purpose

    3. Tower of Life Force

    4. Tower of Mind

    5. Tower of Self

    6. The Dungeon

    7. The Great Hall

    8. The Stables

    9. The Treasury

    1. The #1 action to close the gap

    2. Tower of Purpose

    3. Tower of Life Force

    4. Tower of Mind

    5. Tower of Self

    6. The Dungeon

    7. The Great Hall

    8. The Stables

    9. The Treasury

    1. Other actions to close the gap

    2. Tower of Purpose

    3. Tower of Life Force

    4. Tower of Mind

    5. Tower of Self

    6. The Dungeon

    7. The Great Hall

    8. The Stables

    9. The Treasury

    10. Conclusion

    1. Closing & Next Steps

    2. Help us improve your learning experience

HS-15 Build Your Castle

  • $150.00
  • 42 lessons
  • Duration: 7h 20m
  • Author: Rick Yvanovich
  • Published: May 18, 2023

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