KASH: Transforming Self-Development

Don't let knowledge gaps, limiting attitudes, or skill deficiencies hold you back from personal growth and success. This course will help you deal with the following:

  • Knowledge Gaps

    We struggle with knowledge gaps that hinder our personal and professional growth. This course focuses on identifying and addressing areas of limited knowledge, providing strategies to expand knowledge and acquire new insights, enabling you to excel in various aspects of life.

  • Attitude Limitations

    Negative attitudes and limiting beliefs can impede progress and stop us from achieving what we want. This course helps identify and transform limiting attitudes, fostering a positive mindset and empowering you to approach challenges with optimism and a growth-oriented attitude.

  • Skill Development

    This course equips you with practical techniques and strategies to develop and enhance crucial skills relevant to your personal and professional lives. By honing these skills, you can unlock your true potential, open new opportunities, and achieve greater success.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. Introduction

    2. Strengths

    3. Weaknesses

    4. Prioritisation

    5. #1 Action to close the gap

    6. Other Actions to close the gap

    7. Conclusion

    1. Closing & Next Steps

    2. Help us improve your learning experience

HS-17 KASH (Knowledge, Attitude, Skills, and Habits)

  • $15.00
  • 10 lessons
  • Duration: 3h 30m
  • Author: Rick Yvanovich
  • Published: April 5, 2023

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