Don't let common challenges hold you back from achieving your goals!

Gain the skills to overcome the lack of clarity, bridge execution gaps, and conquer roadblocks. Propel your success, unlock breakthrough results, and take yourself and your team to new heights by addressing:

  • Lack of Clarity and Alignment

    Many people have trouble turning strategic plans into doable actions. In order to ensure that everyone in the organisation is working in the same direction towards common goals, this course offers clarification and guidance on aligning strategy, tactics, and actions.

  • Ineffective Execution

    Execution flaws frequently impede development and inhibit the achievement of desired results. This training gives participants the skills and resources they need to close the gap between strategy and execution, produce results, and lead their organisations to new heights of achievement.

  • Roadblocks and Resistance

    Progress can be hampered by internal impediments, unanticipated challenges, and resistance to change. This course equips you and your team with the resilience and adaptability needed to face challenges and produce ground-breaking outcomes.

Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    1. STAB explained

    2. When to STAB

    3. Using the STAB Template

    4. Using the STAB Template

    1. Closing & Next Steps

    2. Help us improve your learning experience

HS-11 STAB (Strategy, Tactics, Actions and Breakthrough)

  • $15.00
  • 7 lessons
  • Duration: 2h 30m
  • Author: Rick Yvanovich
  • Published: April 23, 2023

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