The Formula for Unlocking Clarity and Fulfilment in Life

Don't let a lack of direction, internal conflicts, or a feeling of inauthenticity prevent you from leading a meaningful life. Get through setbacks and follow a route that leads to clarity, purpose, and fulfilment.

Here are the main causes of feeling lost in life:

  • Lack of Direction and Meaning

    Many people have a sense of purposelessness and confusion about their lives' destiny. This course provides guidance and resources to help you discover your unique purpose, bringing clarity, direction, and a profound sense of significance to your life.

  • Overcoming Inner Conflicts and Limiting Beliefs

    Self-limiting ideas and internal conflicts frequently impede personal development and keep people from realising their full potential. In this course, you are given the tools you need to recognise and get past these challenges, revealing your actual potential and leading a life that is in line with your goals.

  • Finding Authenticity and Fulfilment

    Living an untruthful existence and being cut off from one's actual calling might leave one feeling unhappy and unfulfilled. This course assists in aligning your actions and choices with your real self through introspective exercises and practical solutions, resulting in a more rewarding and purpose-driven life.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Life purpose formulation

    3. Roadmap and Tips to Formulate Your Life Purpose Statement

    1. Explore & Uncover - Core Values

    2. Select values

    3. Milestone - My Top 5 Values

    1. Explore & Uncover - Passions

    2. Milestone - My Top 5 Passions

    1. Explore & Uncover - Achievements

    2. Milestone - My Top 5 Achievements

    1. Explore & Uncover – Talents

    2. Milestone - My Top 5 Talents

    1. Synergise Steps 1 - 4

HS-14 Life Purpose Formulation

  • $97.00
  • 26 lessons
  • Duration: 4h 30m
  • Author: Rick Yvanovich
  • Published: April 30, 2023

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