Unlocking Collective Growth and Success through Feedforward

This game-changing online course aims to improve teamwork, communication, and output within teams and organisations. Discover the power of feedforward in driving collective growth and achieving remarkable results by addressing the following:

  • Ineffective Communication

    Collaboration and innovation can be hampered by the one-way communication that might result from traditional feedback. This course introduces feedforward as a potent tool to promote candid conversation, support many viewpoints, and enhance communication within groups and organisations.

  • Resistance to Change

    Resistance to change initiatives frequently impedes advancement and restricts corporate growth. This course helps teams and organisations to accept change, get over resistance, and promote a culture of continuous improvement and adaptation by embracing feedforward.

  • Lack of Engagement and Development

    Feedback that emphasises past performance could demoralise team members, harm engagement, and stifle personal development. This training encourages a future-focused mindset through feedforward, inspiring and empowering people to actively pursue progress and realise their greatest potential.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    1. Chapter Introduction

    2. Why Team Feedforward

    3. Learning Check

    1. Introduction & What's in a Team Feedforward

    2. How to do Team Feedforward

    3. Learning Check

    1. Closing & Next Steps

    2. Help us improve your learning experience

HS-6 Specific Team Feedforward

  • $97.00
  • 9 lessons
  • Duration: 1h 30m
  • Author: Rick Yvanovich
  • Coming Soon!

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